December 10, 2010

Day 10 - Basic Sniffing with tcpdump

This article was written by Evan Anderson

The How and Why of Sniffing

It starts with something like an innocuous-sounding error message during setup of a new piece of software: "Fatal Error: Can't connect to server." You peruse the configuration files again and can't see anything wrong. You check the documentation and note that it isn't exactly clear on the syntax (FQDN of the server or the DN of the server object the LDAP directory, etc). You know the story-- the documentation is unclear and you're not sure if you've got things configured right. You try it both ways and it still doesn't work. You scratch your head, check for working name resolution on your machine again, and try to think about what you might've missed.

This story plays out over and over with different OS's and applications but the frustration is the same. "Why isn't this thing working?" "What do you mean 'Cannot connect' !?!" Wouldn't it be nice to see what's actually being sent back and forth on the wire instead of poking around in the dark?

I'm regularly surprised at how long it takes sysadmins to reach for the sniffer. Many times I've found that sniffing traffic early in the process of troubleshooting, often while taking stock of the issue and documenting the symptoms, ends up revealing the root cause of issues. Sniffers aren't just for "network guys", and as a sysadmin you'll do well to become familiar with a sniffer for your operating system of choice.

The particular challenges related to bringing a sniffer to bear on a problem typically come (a) from getting the sniffer installed, (b) deciding how to capture the traffic you're looking for, and (c) filtering out extraneous traffic such that you can end up with a sample size small enough to make sense out of.

A piece of terminology worth mentioning as you get into using sniffers is the phrase promiscuous mode. Typically an Ethernet network interface card (NIC) and /or its driver will only forward broadcast frames or frames explicitly addressed to the NIC's physical address up to the operating system. If the NIC receives frames destined for other hosts (as would be the case in "old school" shared-media Ethernet) they are simply ignored. In promiscuous mode all frames received by the NIC are forwarded up to the operating system. Most operating systems restrict switching an interface from normal operation to promiscuous mode to only privileged users (root, Administrator, etc).

It's also bears mention that the architecture of the Windows networking stack doesn't permit sniffing of traffic to in any reasonably easy manner. You can do this on most *nix operating systems, but the Windows networking stack architecture isn't conducive to this type of capture.

Finally, this article talks in broad terms but, generally, is oriented toward traffic capture on wired Ethernet networks. Capturing traffic on wireless Ethernet networks, in particular, comes with its own set of concerns, and is really a topic unto itself.

tcpdump and WinDump

On *nix operating systems tcpdump reigns supreme as the sniffer of choice. Most Linux distributions, including many tiny space-conscious embedded distributions, have a binary available. The pervasive availability is a testament to its utility. In the Windows world, a port of tcpdump called WinDump is available and mimics the functionality of tcpdump. The WinPcap driver is required to facilitate the low-level packet capture.

The learning-curve for tcpdump isn't particularly steep assuming you have a comfort-level with the command-line. The manual page for tcpdump is the canonical reference. Some common command-line arguments that I use include:

  • -X -- Display packets in hex and ASCII
  • -n -- Don't resolve addresses to hostnames
  • -s N -- Capture N bytes from each packet (defaults to 68). Set to 0 to capture entire packets.
  • -i x -- Capture from interface x, or any (on most *nix operating systems) to capture from all interfaces (useful to see if you're getting anything, but captures from any aren't performed in promiscuous mode so only traffic to / from the host will be captured)
  • -D -- Dumps a list of available interfaces (very useful in Windows since the interface names aren't easy things to type like eth0)

Filtering traffic

Capturing everything on the wire isn't tremendously useful since you're likely to be deluged with more information than you can handle. Turning off reverse DNS lookups with the -n option is a nice first step (because the reverse lookups themselves will end up generating more traffic), but filtering the traffic is essential to pinpointing exactly what you're looking for. The tcpdump filter syntax is very human-readable and reasonably intuitive so it's pretty easy to get started.

Suppose you're interested in seeing a hex dump of packets on your eth0 interface, without resolving addresses to hostnames, for the LDAP protocol (or, at least, the standard TCP port LDAP runs on). You can do that with the command: tcpdump -i eth0 -n -X tcp port 389. The filter portion of this command, tcp port 389 is fairly easy to understand. Other example filters include:

  • host -- Captures only traffic to / from the host
  • src -- Captures only traffic sourced by
  • dst tcp port 22 -- Captures only traffic destined for TCP port 22

Bear in mind that filters that mention "src" and "dst" only capture one direction of a conversation because they only match against the source or destination address or port number.

Using boolean operators allows you to get fancier with your capture. Suppose you're connected to a host with SSH (or RDP, in the Windows world-- just substitute 3389 into the example) and you want to capture all traffic except the traffic moving between the remote host and your machine (hypothetically at You can use the boolean not operator to exclude that traffic with the very simplistic filter: not host

While that filter will work, it will also exclude all other traffic between your computer and the remote host. With some clever use of parenthesis and the boolean and operator you can construct a more complex filter that allows any non-SSH traffic between your computer and the remote host to be captured: not (tcp port 22 and host (Beware that using parens on a *nix OS may require you to surround the filter expression with quotes since your shell is likely going to see the parenthesis as shell metacharacters!)

As a general filtering strategy, if I know what the traffic is that I'm trying to capture I write a filter that includes only the traffic I'm looking for. If I'm unsure about what I'm looking for I begin by capturing everything for a short period of time, reviewing the captured data, and creating a progressively longer filter excluding more types of traffic that aren't what I want. So, a filter that might start as something really simple like ip might become ip and not (tcp port 443 or icmp or tcp port 80 or tcp port 22 or udp port 53) as I find traffic that I don't want to see in my capture.

The best way to get familiar with tcpdump filters is to start using them. Capture known traffic and attempt to filter it. The manual page provides some much more detailed examples (performing bitwise comparisons of TCP header fields to catch packets with particular flags set, etc) to get you started.

Saving captures

tcpdump has the handy feature of allowing you to save captures to disk and replay them. The replay functionality is particularly handy if you want to capture traffic on one host then ship it to another host (or even another program, like Wireshark) for analysis.

The -w file argument specifies that packets should be written to the specified file rather than decoded and displayed. You can also use the optional -C argument to limit the size of capture files and the -W argument to specify the number of capture files to maintain. For long-term traffic analysis the latter two options can be used to create a "ring buffer" of capture files that will be re-used ad infinitum.

Once you've captured traffic you can "play it back" with tcpdump by using the -r file argument to read the captured traffic from file. Traffic read from a file "acts" like traffic being captured from an interface so all the command-line arguments to manipulate the output behaviour, and to filter the traffic stream, are applied in the same manner as traffic being captured from an interface.

Getting to the traffic

As we've already seen with using tcpdump's capability to write captures to disk remote executing of tcpdump is one method that can be used to capture traffic in situations where the traffic might not flow to or from your computer. If you need to monitor traffic between hosts where you can't run tcpdump you'll have to think of some way to bring the traffic to you. Some options to get to the traffic include:

  • Switch-based monitoring - Different Ethernet switch manufacturers call this mechanism by different names (SPAN, port-mirroring, monitor ports), but the functionality is the same. The Ethernet switch can "tee" the traffic in one or both directions from one or more ports into a dedicated "monitoring port" where your sniffer is connected. Most of the time the monitor port won't function as a normal network connection while monitoring is enabled so be wary that you may need a second interface in your sniffer computer, attached to a non-monitor network port, if you want communication with the network as-normal while you are monitoring. This is typically the least disruptive method for getting your sniffer in-line with the traffic to be captured, but requires a switch with monitoring capability and the cooperation of whoever manages the switch.

  • Insert a shared medium - It's a less common technique today with gigabit Ethernet being more pervasive, but an older technique for monitoring traffic included attaching a shared medium, like an Ethernet hub, between the host to be monitored and the LAN switch. Traffic moving through an Ethernet hub appears on all ports of the device, unlike an Ethernet switch. Attaching the LAN to one port of the hub, the host to be monitored to another port on the hub, and the sniffer to a third port permitted monitoring of the traffic between the host and the LAN. Since there aren't gigabit Ethernet hubs this method has become less commonplace as gigabit Ethernet has become more common.

  • Physically intercept the connection - Most modern Linux distributions and Windows versions allow you to create a "network bridge" between two (or more) network interfaces. In cases where the traffic flow between the host to be monitored and the LAN is not so great as to overwhelm the CPU in your sniffer computer you can opt to create a network bridge and physically insert the sniffer computer between the host to be monitored and the LAN. Your sniffer software can be configured to capture traffic on the virtual "bridge interface". This method works for low bandwidth captures, but high traffic hosts can overwhelm the CPU of the sniffer computer with traffic.

  • Redirect the traffic flow - You can redirect the traffic flow between the host and the LAN through various methods. ARP cache poisoning, using tools like Ettercap can "trick" hosts into forwarding traffic through your sniffer machine. The specific details of using this tool are beyond this post but many guides are out there. Be warned that ARP cache poisoning may be detected by an intrusion detection system (IDS) as an attack. If you're going to use ARP cache poisoning on someone else's LAN be sure you've cleared it with the network or system administrators, lest you send them into a panic when their IDS starts sounding alarms.

    Another method for traffic flow redirection is to use a layer 7 proxy, such as rinetd, to redirect traffic flows through your sniffer computer. With this method you would configure your sniffer computer to answer for the protocol to be captured and to forward those incoming connections to the host where the "real" server software is running. Client computers will need to be reconfigured to use your sniffer computer's IP address as their "server" unless you change the server computer's IP address and assume its address with your sniffer computer. This is the method that I use when I can't get access to a switch monitor port and don't want to run the risk of scaring somebody with ARP cache poisoning.

From here?

The next time you're faced with an opaque and unhelpful "Can't connect to server"-type message take a moment and fire up tcpdump to see what's happening on the wire before you start double-checking configuration files or stopping and restarting service programs. Mis-specified host names, malformed configuration parameters, and a whole host of other maladies that could be hiding behind that opaque error message can become visible immediately once you look at the conversation actually taking place on the wire. Mysterious "delays" and "timeouts" are great candidates for troubleshooting with a sniffer. And, finally, even if you're not troubleshooting a problem just using a sniffer to analyze protocols can provide you with valuable details that will help your understanding.

Obviously, this article is just a brief introduction. tcpdump has capabilities that I haven't mentioned, and there are a wealth of other tools out there that can do more. Get out there and sniff some traffic!

Further reading


  1. Nice post Evan, Seems like I am frequently adding a comment to questions on SF to encourage the askor to fire up a sniffer.

  2. Words of encouragement and praise. Thanks for writing this simple introduction.
