December 16, 2010

Day 16 - Introduction to LVM

This was written by Ben Cotton (@funnelfiasco)

Logical volume management (LVM) is not a new concept -- it first appeared in Linux in 1998 and had existed in HP-UX before then. Still, some sysadmins, new and old, aren't familiar with it. LVM is a form of storage virtualization that allows for more configuration flexibility than the traditional on-disk partitions. In fact, LVM is a kind of anti-partitioning, where multiple devices can be grouped together. In this article, we'll assume you've got a spare machine or VM to follow along on. If not, you can use losetup to create file-based "disks" (see the man page for instructions).

LVM setup starts with physical volumes. You mark disk devices (drives or partitions) as physical volumes with the pvcreate command. Physical volumes are then grouped together into one or more volume groups with vgcreate. It's most common to create a single volume group, but there are cases when multiple volume groups might be desirable. For example, one vg may be created on a solid-state drive to use for read-mostly data, with spinning disk(s) in a separate vg for more volatile data.

# Initialize two drives for use in LVM
pvcreate /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1
# Create a single volume group called "myvg"
vgcreate myvg /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1

Once the vg is created, you can generally think of it as a single disk. Instead of partitioning it as you would with a traditional flat disk, space is carved up by creating logical volumes with lvcreate. After a lv is created, any OS-supported file system can be made on it. (Note: it's important to consider your use case when selecting the file system to put on an lv. Not only do file systems have different performance characteristics, but if you want to grow or shrink the file system later, you'll have to use a file system that supports such operations. XFS and JFS in particular do not support shrinking.)

# Create a 10 GB logical volume for MySQL in myvg
lvcreate -L 10G -n mysql myvg
# Create a 1 TB logical volume for MythTV in myvg
lvcreate -L  1T -n mythtv myvg
# file system creation omitted

Instead of the traditional /dev/sdxn nomenclature, the logical volumes are available as /dev/mapper/$vgname-$lvname or /dev/$vgname/$lvname (e.g. /dev/mapper/vg00-usr or /dev/vg00/usr). This lack of numbering hints at the most beneficial feature of LVM -- the ability to flexibly re-allocate disk space. In traditional partitions, you generally create the partition layout you think you need and then hope your needs don't change. Although it's possible to re-configure a disk after it's been used, it can get messy, and is generally very difficult to do on a live system. With LVM, you can start out by provisioning a small amount of disk space and then growing the file systems as needed.

One real-life example is the case of a file server. In a previous job, we had a many-TB file server which groups in the department purchased space on. Five slices were available on each drive (actually a LUN from a SAN), and if a group outgrew the LUN it was on, we had to split their data across two LUNs. Additionally, if two groups were on the same LUN, we'd have to shift data around as they competed for space (which happened a lot). Had we used LVM instead, each group could have an LV in the correct size and they'd only compete with themselves.

In my current job, we leave most of the disk space on infrastructure servers unallocated. As the need for a particular file system grows, we grow that file system. Does the new temperature monitoring system blow up the /var file system? Grow it. Need to add more applications to /opt? Grow it. The flexibility LVM provides allows us to quickly adapt to the needs of the research we support.

For file systems that support online resizing, growing an lv is a simple process. The first step is to check to see if you've got enough disk space available by looking at the "Free PE / Size" line of the output from vgdisplay. The lv is resized with the lvresize command. Absolute and relative sizes can be used, and unit abbreviations like G and T are supported. After the lv has been resized, the file system still needs to be grown the appropriate tools (e.g. resize2fs).

# All your data[base] are belong to us. Need more space for MySQL
lvresize -L +5G /dev/myvg/mysql

Once the volume group is completely allocated, lvresize can be used to shrink an overgrown lv after the file system has been shrunk. Additional disks or partitions can be added to the volume group as well. After pvcreate has been run as above, the vgextend command can be used to add the physical volume to the volume group. This makes LVM somewhat similar to JBOD in that it can take disks of various sizes and combine them into a single usable unit.

# There's nothing good on TV. Shrink the MythTV lv
lvresize -L -10 /dev/myvg/mythtv
# We added another disk, put it in myvg
pvcreate /dev/sdc1
vgextend myvg /dev/sdc1

Flexibility isn't the only advantage that LVM provides sysadmins. LVM also has optional snapshots. If there's a volatile file system that doesn't lend itself to live backups (e.g. our database), an LVM snapshot volume can be used to allow the backup to run. Snapshot volumes generally only need to be a small fraction of the original lv (10-15% is a number I've seen frequently), but the key point is that the snapshot lv size must be large enough to hold the changes that happen to the original snapshot. Thus it is better to overestimate the size of the snapshot volume.

# Create a snapshot volume for our MySQL file system
lvcreate -L 2G -s -n dbbackup /dev/myvg/mysql
# Mount the snapshot for the backup program (tar? rsync?)
mount /dev/myvg/mysql /mnt

Although LVM can be set up on software RAID (md) devices, it also has some built-in RAID-like features. If the volume group has at least three devices, mirroring can be used for logical volumes (the third device is a log, with a live copy on one device and a mirrored copy on the second device). To use mirroring, the logical volume needs to be created with the -m or --mirrors option, which take the argument n-1 for n copies.

# Create an important data volume with two copies
lvcreate -L 50G -m 1 -n important myvg

LVM also has a striping feature which allows the logical volume to be striped across two or more devices. Unlike the striping in RAID 5/6, LVM striping has no checksum and therefore provides no data protection. However, because I/O operations are spread across multiple devices, performance is improved. The number of stripes can vary between 2 and the number of devices and is specified by -i or --stripes. The size of the stripe (in KB) is specified with -I or --stripesize and must be a power of 2.

# Create a 100GB 3-striped lv
lvcreate -L 100G -i 3 -I 4 -n fastlv myvg

LVM isn't all sunshine and rainbows, though. In the past, LVM support was not baked in to initrd files and so it had to be manually included after a kernel update. That's not as much of a concern anymore as most distributions include LVM support, but users of custom kernels should make sure the initrd contains LVM support if the root partition is on a logical volume. Because of this historical issue, many admins still opt for paranoia and put / (or at least /boot) on a traditional partition. Additionally, LVM presents an additional level of abstraction that can make recovery via Knoppix or a similar method more difficult. Still, LVM offers a great deal of flexibility that makes it indispensable to the system administrator.

Further reading:


  1. Good post, but lvresize before you shrink any filesystems on top of it is probably going to corrupt your data.

  2. It's worth mentioning that you should avoid reusing the same name for volume groups used on different machines. If you do that, data recovery becomes complicated, as I've once discovered the hard way.

  3. @Rasputnik

    An excellent point. I thought I had made mention of that, but apparently I imagined it or it got lost in an edit somewhere.
