December 20, 2012

Day 20 - Data-Driven Firewalls

This was written by Zach Leslie.

During his keynote presentation at PuppetConf 2012, Tim Bell said something about the way in which machines can be classified that stuck with me:

The service model we've been using ... splits machines into two forms. The pets: these are the guys you give nice names, you stroke them, you look after them, and when they get ill, you nurse them back to health, lovingly. The cattle: when they get ill, you shoot them.

What follows is my attempt to explain the impact those words have had on the way I think about firewall management.

Firewalls As Pets

Managing firewalls has always felt like caring for those pets. By their nature, firewalls are uniquely connected to several networks - deciding what traffic should be allowed to pass. No other role in the network can make those decisions quite like the firewall due to its strategic placement in the architecture. There is often only a single unit controlling access for a specific set of networks at any given time. As such, rules about how traffic should be handled are specific to each firewall placement or cluster.

Perhaps you manage one with a web interface, or if you are lucky, execute commands at a shell, upload data, etc. You take backups and hope nothing goes sour with the hardwarek right?

Like many people, I like reusing my previous work to gain more benefit from my efforts than I had originally intended. It's the force multiplier. If I write a method that does X, I should be able to apply X in lots of places without much additional work. When dealing with a unique box, like a firewall, I've found myself stuck with very little reuse of my efforts; one unit of gain for one unit of effort, etc. Web interfaces don't usually lend themselves to help understand why rules are in place, or why the configuration is just so. If there is a comment field for a firewall rule, you might be able to drop a link to a ticket tracker to provide you some external information, but even then you might loose historical context. Certainly, configuration management alone does not gain you this context, but if you store your configurations and code in a revision control system, then you can look through the history of changes and understand the full picture, even if the lifetime spans years. Reviewable history with full context is fantastic!

Configuration management just extends mentality that software development has had for years: libraries of reusable code save time and effort.

As I spend more time with the discipline of configuration management, I find myself wanting to treat more machines like cattle, so I can rebuild at will and know with reasonable certainty what exactly has been done, and why, on a given system to get it into its current state. If you have data that is consumed by various parts of the infrastructure and you want to make a change, you need only manipulate that data to make it so. In this way, you force yourself to consider the architecture as a whole, and apply consistency throughout, leaving you with a cleaner and more maintainable infrastructure.

Refactoring is not just for the Devs anymore

Refactoring has the benefit of allowing you to take the knowledge that you learned the first time around and apply that knowledge as you move forward. The requirements for your infrastructure change over time, and as a result, the existing implementation of infrastructure needs to follow those changes. If you have to start from scratch with every refactor, the time required is often daunting, causing the refactor work to get pushed out until is critical that the work be done.

What does it mean to be data-driven?

For a long time, I thought that all the talk of data driven was just for the big cloud providers or large enterprise, but data-driven infrastructure is just a mechanism to distill your configuration into reusable pieces - something we do with configuration management already. In Puppet, for example, modules are the resusable units.

When I think of a data-driven infrastructure, I think of constructing a model for how I want the systems involved to behave. Your model can include common data as well as unique data All systems might have network settings like address and vlan, but, for example, only some have backup schedules.

Building The Model

Let's construct model starting with the common elements. I've been building all of my data models in YAML since its easy to write by hand and easy to consume with scripts. Eventually, we may need some better tooling to store and retrieve data, but for now, this works. We'll start with a network hash and tack on some VLANs.

      gateway: ''
      vlan: 200
      gateway: ''
      vlan: 210
      gateway: ''
      vlan: 220
      gateway: ''
      vlan: 230

Now we can load the YAML data and take some action. I'm loading this data with hiera into a hash for Puppet to use. Putting the above YAML data into a file called network.yaml, you can load it up with a hiera call like so:


This will look for a key called 'network' in a file called 'network.yaml' with a default value of an empty hash, '{}'. Now you can access your data as just a Puppet hash.

We use FreeBSD as our firewall platform and PF for the packet filtering. Since we use Puppet, I've compiled some defined types to create the VLAN interfaces and manage parts of FreeBSD. (All of this all of which is up on GitHub.

Our firewalls also act as our gateways for the various VLANs, so we can directly consume the data above to create the network interfaces on our firewalls.

# Read in all network data for variable assignment
$network  = hiera_hash('network',nil,'network')
$vlans    = $network[$location][vlans]

# Create all the VLANs
create_resources('freebsd::vlan', $vlans)

One function that Puppet provides to inject the VLAN interface resources into the Puppet catalog is create_resources(). If the parameters on the hash match exactly the parameters the defined type expects as in the case above, this works wonders. If not, you'll need to create a wrapper that consumes the hash to break it into its various pieces to hand out to more specific defined types.

Now lets model the network configuration of the firewall.

        mtu: 9000
          - 'em1'
          - 'em2'
    gateway_enable: true
    ipv6: true
    ipv6_defaultrouter: '2001:FFFF:dead:beef:0:127:255:1'
    ipv6_gateway_enable: true
    ext_if: 'em0'
      - 'gif0'
      - 'lagg0'
      - 'vlan200'
      - 'vlan210'
      - 'vlan220'
      - 'vlan230'
        address: ''
        v6address: '2001:feed:dead:beef:0:127:255:2/126'

Much of the above is FreeBSD speak, but each section is handed to different parts of the code. Here we build up the rest of the network configuration for the firewall.

$firewall    = $network[$location][firewall]
$virtual_ifs = $firewall[virtual_ifs]
$ext_if      = $firewall[ext_if]
$interfaces  = $firewall[interfaces]

class { "freebsd::network":
  gateway_enable      => $firewall[gateway_enable],
  defaultrouter       => $firewall[defaultrouter],
  ipv6                => $firewall[ipv6],
  ipv6_gateway_enable => $firewall[ipv6_gateway_enable],
  ipv6_defaultrouter  => $firewall[ipv6_defaultrouter],

Now we create the LACP bundle, ensure that the virtual VLAN interfaces are brought up on boot, and set the physical interface address properties.

create_resources('freebsd::network::lagg', $laggs)

$cloned_interfaces = inline_template("<%= virtual_ifs.join(' ') %>")
shell_config { "cloned_interfaces":
  file  => '/etc/rc.conf',
  key   => 'cloned_interfaces',
  value => $cloned_interfaces,

create_resources('freebsd::network::interface', $interfaces)

The Puppet type shell_config just sets a key value pair in a specified file, which is really useful for FreeBSD systems where lots of the configuration is exactly that.

Now that we have network configuration for the firewall, lets do some filtering on those interfaces. In the same spirit as before, we'll look up some data from a file and use Puppet to enforce it.

For those new to PF, tables are named lists of address or networks, so you can refer to the names throughout your rule set. This keeps your code much cleaner since you can just reference the table and it expands to a whole series of addresses. PF macros are similar but more simple. They are just key value pairs, much like variables. They are useful for specifying things like $ext_if or $office_firewall that can be used all over your pf.conf. The data blob for 'pf' might look like this:

          - ''
          - ''
          - ''
          - 'fe80::/10'
          - '10/12'
          - '10.16/12'
          - ''
          - ''
          - ''
          - ''
          - ''
          - ''
          - ''
          - ''
          - ''
          - ''
        value: ''
        value: ''
          - ''
          - ''
        value: ''
        value: ''
          - ''
          - ''

While the Puppet configuration might look like this:

include pf
$pf = hiera_hash('pf',{},'pf')

$global_tables = $pf[$location][tables]
create_resources('pf::table', $global_tables)

$location_tables = $pf[$location][tables]
create_resources('pf::table', $location_tables)

$global_macros = $pf[$location][macros]
create_resources('pf::macro', $global_macros)

At this point, we have configured the FreeBSD gateway machine attached to a few networks. We have the PF configuration file primed with tables and macros for us to use throughout our rule set, but we aren't doing any filtering yet.

I've thrown in some data give you an idea of the possibilites. If you don't want all ports reachable on your DNS and DHCP servers, you can use the tables and macros above to do some filtering so that only the required ports are available from other networks.

An Example Implementation

Now that we can build firewall resources with Puppet, this opens the doors for all kinds of interesting things. For example, say we want to open the firewall for all of our cloudy boxes so they could write some metrics directly to our graphite server. On all of your cloud boxes you might, for example, include the following code to export a firewall resource to be realized later.

@@pf::subconf { "graphite_access_for_${hostname}":
  rule  => "rdr pass on \$ext_if inet proto tcp from $ipaddress to (\$ext_if) port 2003 -> \$graphite_box",
  tag   => 'graphite',
  order => '32',

In the code that builds your graphite server, you might also add something like this to ensure that the rest of your pf.conf can make use of the macros.

pf::macro { "graphite_box": value => $ipaddress; }

Then on your firewall, you can just collect those exported rules for application.

Pf::Subconf <<| tag == 'graphite' |>>
Pf::Macro <<| |>>

Now all of your cloud boxes are able to write their graphite statistics directly to your NATed graphite box, completely dynamically.

One Caveat

This method still requires that you know the syntax of PF. It also requires that you know which macros to escape in the rule string and which to interpret as Puppet variables. Personally, I am okay with this because I like the language of PF. Also, I don't know if the code complexity required to abstract the PF language is worth the effort. The pf.conf is very picky about the order of rules in the file. This complicates the issue even more.


I think my next steps will be to create some helper defines that will know how to work with the order of PF. Rather than have just one pf::subconf, perhaps there will be many, like pf::filter, pf::redirect, etc. Also, I'd like my switches to be consuming the same data so that I can ensure consistency across all of the devices involved in the network.

In talking to people about these concepts, I have come to think that this is yet a solved problem when dealing with configuration management. What I have talked about above is in relation to an example hardware firewall, though I believe the problems this attempts to solve plague the host firewalls as well as virtual packet filtering and security zones in virtual networks.

All of the code for this experiment is on GitHub. I'd love to hear how others are solving these kinds of issues if you have some experience and wisdom to share.

Happy filtering.

Further Reading

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