December 25, 2012

Day 25 - CFEngine Sketches

This was written by Aleksey Tsalolikhin.

I learned something new at LISA this year!  CFEngine is building a high-level approach to configuration management called “design sketches”.  “Sketches” are built on top of the comprehensive CFEngine 3 language.  

CFEngine 3 itself is quite comprehensive.  CFEngine 3.3.9 contains:

  • 25 primitives, called “promise types”, which can be used to model system aspects, such as files, processes, services, commands, etc.;
  • 870 potential attributes of those primitives;
  • 95 functions;
  • 2200 total pages of documentation for CFEngine 3.

Because sketches overlie the DSL, you never have to touch the DSL to configure a system.  In other words, the DSL is abstracted, and the configuration becomes data driven. That’s what we really care about, isn’t it?

The reason it’s called a “sketch” is because you take a design pattern (such as configuring sshd to increase security) and fill it with data (the exact settings you want at your site or for a particular group of machines) and only then do you have something usable. You can’t use the sketch by itself, it is incomplete.  You complete it by configuring it.

sketch + data = something usable

This is still 1.0 and being worked on; but I’m very excited about what I’ve seen so far.


Allow me to demonstrated how easy CFEngine makes to implement a design pattern using sketches.  

Let’s start by installing CFEngine and the add-on tool, cf-sketch, which allows us to handle sketches.  I invite you to follow along in a VM:

# Run these commands to get cf-sketch installed
lynx # download package
rpm -ihv cfengine-community-3.4.1.rpm # install RPM or dpkg
wget --no-check-certificate
tar zxvf cf-sketch-latest.tar.gz # download cf-sketch add-on
cd cf-sketch
make install

cf-sketch is prototyped in Perl.  I’m doing this on CentOS 5.8, and my perl File::Path module wasn’t up to date, so cf-sketch wouldn’t run until I updated File::Path.  I also installed the other Perl modules cf-sketch complained about:

echo "install File::Path" | perl -MCPAN -e 'shell'
perl -MCPAN -e 'install JSON'
perl -MCPAN -e 'install Term::ReadLine::Gnu'
yum -y install perl-libwww-perl
yes | perl -MCPAN -e 'install  LWP::Protocol::https'  

I could then fire up cf-sketch with no complaints:

# cf-sketch
Welcome to cf-sketch version 3.4.0b1.
CFEngine AS, 2012.

Enter any command to cf-sketch, use 'help' for help, or 'quit' or '^D' to quit.


The "list" command shows cf-sketch ships with the CFEngine standard library, same version as in the main RPM:

cf-sketch> list

The following sketches are installed:

1. CFEngine::stdlib (library)

Use list -v to show the activation parameters.


The "info all" command will show you all available sketches - there are 28 sketches available today.  Anybody can submit a sketch.  However, sketches are closely reviewed and curated by CFEngine staff to ensure high quality.  After all, our civilization will be running on configuration management tools and policies!

Let’s try VCS::vcs_mirror -  its purpose is to keep a git (or Subversion) clone up to date and clean.  

First, let’s install it:

cf-sketch>  install VCS::vcs_mirror

Installing VCS::vcs_mirror
Checking and installing sketch files.
Done installing VCS::vcs_mirror


“List” now shows the vcs_mirror sketch is installed but not configured:

cf-sketch> list

The following sketches are installed:

1. CFEngine::stdlib (library)
2. VCS::vcs_mirror (not configured)

Use list -v to show the activation parameters.


Let’s configure it.  You have to specify the path that you want the clone to be, the origin, and the branch to keep the working tree checked out on.  

So let’s say we want to clone the CFEngine Design Center.  The Design Center contains sketches, examples and tools, and is at

Let’s say we want to mirror the master branch to /tmp/design-center.

cf-sketch> configure  VCS::vcs_mirror

Entering interactive configuration for sketch VCS::vcs_mirror.
Please enter the requested parameters (enter STOP to abort):

Parameter 'vcs' must be a PATH.
Please enter vcs: /usr/bin/git

Parameter 'path' must be a PATH.
Please enter path: /tmp/design-center

Parameter 'origin' must be a HTTP_URL|PATH.
Please enter origin:

Parameter 'branch' must be a NON_EMPTY_STRING.
Please enter branch [master]: master

Parameter 'runas' must be a NON_EMPTY_STRING.
Please enter runas [getenv("USER", "128"): cfengine

Parameter 'umask' must be a OCTAL.
Please enter umask [022]: 022

Parameter 'activated' must be a CONTEXT.
Please enter activated [any]: any

Parameter 'nowipe' must be a CONTEXT.
Please enter nowipe [!any]: !any
Configured: VCS::vcs_mirror #1


The sketch is now configured and ready for use.  Note the “#1”, that means this an instance of the sketch - you can have more than one instance.

  • runas is the user CFEngine will run the command as.
  • activated refers to the context of the promise - where does it apply.  “any” is a special context that is always true.  If we wanted to limit this policy to linux servers, we could have put “linux” there.  Or “Wednesday” if we wanted this policy to only run on Wednesdays.
  • nowipe refers to saving local differences. We set it to “not any” which means, always wipe local differences.

If you have any questions about what the parameters mean, the sketch is documented in /var/cfengine/inputs/sketches/VCS/vcs_mirror/  All sketches get installed under /var/cfengine/inputs/sketches/ and come with documentation.

The documentation is not yet available from within the cf-sketch shell but this will be added next year.

Let’s check the configuration:

cf-sketch> list -v

The following sketches are installed:

1. CFEngine::stdlib (library)
2. VCS::vcs_mirror (configured)
        Instance #1: (Activated on 'any')
                branch: master
                nowipe: !any
                path: /tmp/design-center
                runas: cfengine
                umask: 022
                vcs: /usr/bin/git


Now let’s run our sketches, to make sure they work OK:

cf-sketch> run

Generated standalone run file /var/cfengine/inputs/

Now executing the runfile with: /var/cfengine/bin/cf-agent  -f /var/cfengine/inputs/


Check in /tmp/design-center.  It now contains a mirror of the design-center repo.  Pass!

Now let’s deploy our sketch so it is run automatically by CFEngine (which runs every 5 minutes):

cf-sketch> deploy

Generated non-standalone run file /var/cfengine/inputs/
This runfile will be automatically executed from

cf-sketch> list

Advanced Uses

You can deploy a sketch on your policy hub and have it affect your entire infrastructure or a portion of it that you specify (that’s the “activated” field in the “list -v” output - where the policy should be activated).

You can capture the configuration data of a sketch instance into a JSON file, and move it from one infrastructure to another.

Further Reading

Appendix: 28 sketches available now

  • CFEngine::sketch_template - Standard template for Design Center sketches
  • CFEngine::stdlib - CFEngine standard library (also known as COPBL)
  • Cloud::Services - Manage EC2 and VMware instances
  • Database::Install - Install and enable the MySQL, Postgres or SQLite database engines
  • Library::Hardware::Info - Discover hardware information
  • Monitoring::Snmp::hp_snmp_agents - Install and optionally configure hp-snmp-agents
  • Monitoring::nagios_plugin_agent - Run Nagios plugins and optionally take action
  • Packages::CPAN::cpanm - Install CPAN packages through App::cpanminus
  • Repository::Yum::Client - Manage yum repo client configs in /etc/yum.repos.d
  • Repository::Yum::Maintain - Create and keep Yum repository metadata up to date
  • Repository::apt::Maintain - Manage deb repositories in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ files or /etc/apt/sources.list
  • Security::SSH - Configure and enable sshd
  • Security::file_integrity - File hashes will be generated at intervals specified by ifelapsed. On modification, you can update the hashes automatically. In either case, a local report will be generated and transferred to the CFEngine hub (CFEngine Enterprise only). Note that scanning the files requires a lot of disk and CPU cycles, so you should be careful when selecting the amount of files to check and the interval at which it happens (ifelapsed).
  • Security::security_limits - Configure /etc/security/limits.conf
  • Security::tcpwrappers - Manage /etc/hosts.{allow,deny}
  • System::config_resolver - Configure DNS resolver
  • System::cron - Manage crontab and /etc/cron.d contents
  • System::etc_hosts - Manage /etc/hosts
  • System::set_hostname - Configure system hostname
  • System::sysctl - Manage sysctl values
  • System::tzconfig - Manage system timezone configuration
  • Utilities::abortclasses - Abort execution if a certain file exists, aka 'Cowboy mode'
  • Utilities::ipverify - Execute a bundle if reachable ip has known MAC address
  • Utilities::ping_report - Report on pingability of hosts
  • VCS::vcs_mirror - Check out and update a VCS repository.
  • WebApps::wordpress_install - Install and configure Wordpress
  • Webserver::Install - Install and configure a webserver, e.g. Apache
  • Yale::stdlib - Yale standard library

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