December 11, 2013

Day 11 - The Lazy SysAdmin's Guide to Test Driven Chef Cookbooks

Written By: Paul Czarkowski (@pczarkowski)
Edited By: Shaun Mouton (@sdmouton)

This article assumes you have some knowledge of Chef and the Berkshelf way of managing cookbooks. If you do not, then I highly recommend you watch the Chefconf talk on 'The Berkshelf Way' before reading further.

What even is?

The Lazy Sysadmin is a person who is not lazy in the regular sense, but is lazy in the sense that they don't want to do the same thing twice, or in this specific case they don't want to be woken up at two in the morning by PagerDuty (I hate that guy!) for an issue caused by a bug in a chef cookbook.

A lot of config management code is tested briefly in Vagrant (if at all) by simply checking that it ran without an error and the service that you wrote the cookbook for is running. Maybe it spends a little while in a staging environment, but will often head to production with that minimum of testing.

I don't always test my code...

We can borrow a methodology from the developer community called Test Driven Development which helps reduce the feedback loop to just a few seconds after writing code. This does mean some extra up front work but in my opinion the payoff makes it worth that investment.

Test Driven Development (TDD) has been around for a long time and is heavily embraced in the Ruby developer community. The basic idea of it is to provide feedback to the developer as early as possibly as to whether their code is working via unit tests. In TDD the person writing the code often writes the (failing) unit test first, and then writes the code to make that test pass. There is also the concept of README Driven Development (RDD) which is where you write the documentation even before that.

This article explores these two concepts and some tooling that assists to bring this workflow of Document -> Test -> Code to chef cookbooks. This can feel very awkward at first, and chefspec especially can take a while to really grok (I'm not there yet, but it's getting easier). We'll explore a few ways to help make that transition.

The tools that I am using were decided for me by the stackforge chef cookbooks which already had a unit-testing framework defined when I started working with them. There are likely other tools out there that do similar things (e.g. bats vs minitest vs chefspec) so do not feel constrained by the tools I talk about, instead focus on the concepts.

It's important to mention here that this is a flexible framework and if you want to write the code, then the tests, then documentation that's fine as well, and in fact that's how I started off. As I got more comfortable with the ideas and tools I slowly moved to mostly following the workflow of Documentation -> Test -> Code, but there are still times where I write very loose documentation followed by some draft code then finally go back and document and write tests.

README Driven Development (RDD)

Every chef cookbook should have a file in its root that acts as its documentation. This should be the first place you start, and by happy chance if you create a new cookbook with Berkshelf (use berks cookbook new_cookbook for this) it will create a very serviceable skeleton file for you to use. I use a different format which you'll see later but that's just personal preference.

I start by writing the LICENSE file (I usually use the Apache 2.0 license). It's very important to let others know what license you're releasing the cookbook under as some companies have policies against using specific licenses (or code with no license specified) for legal protection.

Next I start filling out the For example I have a Rails application that uses sqlite3 for the development environment so my cookbook may start off having just a single recipe (not counting default) called application. There are some obvious dependencies and attributes to set, so I'll document those at this point as well.

Obviously you won't know beforehand about every tiny detail, so start by documenting loosely and then tighten it up as you go. For example my application uses docker, but I'll add that into the cookbook after I've got my base rails application installed, which means I can wait until I'm about to implement that before I write the documentation for it.


Chef 0.11.0 or higher required (for Chef environment use).


The following cookbooks are dependencies:
* ruby
* git



* creates user `ircaas`
* includes recipes `git::default`, `ruby::default`
* Install IRCaaS Application code from ``


ircaas['user'] - user to run application as
ircaas['git']['repo'] - repo containing IRCaaS code
ircaas['git']['branch'] - Branch to download
The final file to edit as part of RDD is metadata.rb which has optional methods to document recipes, attributes, etc as well. I try not to double up this information, so unless it is actually needed for the cookbook to run (such as dependencies) I leave them out. It's fine If you prefer to add it in both locations, or prefer to document in the metadata file, whichever you do just try to leave breadcrumbs for the reader to follow (for example, write 'see metatadata.rb under the appropriate sections.' in the


name 'ircaas'
maintainer 'Paul Czarkowski'
maintainer_email ''
license 'All rights reserved, Paul Czarkowski' # see './LICENSE' 
description 'Installs/Configures ircaas'
long_description, ''))
version '0.1.0'

%w{ ubuntu }.each do |os|
 supports os

%w{ ruby git }.each do |dep|
 depends dep

Test Driven Development (TDD)

Now that we've documented our first stage of the cookbook we want to write some tests for it, but first we need to set up the tooling. Most of the tools in the testing framework that we're installing are rubygems and can quickly suck you into dependency hell. To help deal with that and provide myself with some consistency I have created a Git repository called meez that contains my (very opinionated) skeleton cookbook and has a Gemfile and Gemfile.lock to help deal with the dependencies. I also have a base Berksfile, Vagrantfile, and Strainerfile, and I use Ruby 1.9.3 as my default ruby environment.

With this skeleton in place I can get up to speed very quickly by cloning the repo and running bundler which will install all the tools I need for testing which are described below.

git clone chef-ircaas
cd chef-ircaas
bundle install


A framework for testing chef cookbooks. It doesn't perform any tests itself, but instead calls a series of tools which are listed in a Strainerfile, as below:

# Strainerfile
tailor: bundle exec tailor
knife test: bundle exec knife cookbook test $COOKBOOK
foodcritic: bundle exec foodcritic -f any -t $SANDBOX/$COOKBOOK
chefspec: bundle exec rspec $SANDBOX/$COOKBOOK/spec


Tailor reads Ruby files and measures them against some common ruby style guides. This is the tool that I'm least familiar with out of the set, but the framework I 'borrowed' from the stackforge cookbooks included it and I saw no reason to remove it.

knife cookbook test

Tests cookbook for syntax errors. this uses the built-in ruby syntax checking option for files in the cookbook ending in .rb, and the erb syntax check for files ending in .erb (templates). This comes free with knife.


Foodcritic is a linting tool for chef cookbooks. It parses your cookbook and comments on your styling as well as flagging known problems that would cause chef to break when converging. There is an excellent library of errors and Foodcritic will kindly provide an error code and often will even tell you how to fix it.
Example: FC002: Avoid string interpolation where not required


I have just recently added this to my testing framework. It is a very verbose lint / style parser for Ruby. Prepare for it to yell at you a bunch when you start using it.


I'm not using this yet, but it's a tool that watches files for changes and then runs commands against those files. This will allow for real time feedback of changes to files. Some potential uses for this that I plan to investigate are:
  • watch Berksfile and metadata.rb to automatically download any new cookbook dependencies.
  • watch Gemfile to automatically install any new Gem dependencies.
  • watch *.rb files to automatically check syntax/linting.


ChefSpec is a unit testing framework for Chef cookbooks. It is an extension of RSpec and the version I use (ChefSpec 3.x) requires Ruby 1.9+ and Chef 11+.

ChefSpec runs your cookbook locally with Chef Solo but doesn't actually converge. This means it's very fast and it doesn't mess up your system by actually installing packages or pushing templates. Chefspec uses Fauxhai to mock Ohai data, and thus the unit tests don't need to be run on the same operating system as your dev or production servers.

Unit Tests

I write my unit tests in Chefspec (the other tools mostly take care of themselves and don't require much care and feeding). Chefspec is an extension of the rspec framework and tests written in the spec/ directory of your cookbook and are named by convention: <recipe-name>_spec.rb. In my Rails application example we would have the file spec/application_spec.rb. There is also a spec/spec_helper.rb which calls the chefspec modules and sets any common settings or Ohai (chefspec uses Fauxhai to fake it) data.

The basic workflow of Chefspec is that you describe what you're testing in a describe block which includes the call to run the fake chef run and sets any options or node attributes to be set before running any tests inside the block. Tests are written as it blocks and are simply pseudocode explaining what the function you're testing should do followed by the result that you expect to see from a successful run of that function. The testable resources are very well documented.

I know that my application recipe will need to include some recipes, create a user, and clone a git repository, so I will write the following tests:


require_relative 'spec_helper'

describe 'ircaas::application' do 
 before do
   @chef_run = ::UBUNTU_OPTS do |node|
     node.set['ircaas'] = { # Sets custom node attributes
       user: 'ircaas', # so that we don't fail just because somebody went in
       path: '/opt/ircaas', # and changed a value in the default attributes file.
       git: { repo: 'ssh://git.path', branch: 'master' }
   @chef_run.converge 'ircaas::application' # Fake converges recipe.

 it 'includes ruby::default recipe' do
   expect(@chef_run).to include_recipe 'ruby::default'

 it 'includes git::default recipe' do
   expect(@chef_run).to include_recipe 'git::default'

 it 'creates ircaas user' do
   expect(@chef_run).to create_user('ircaas')

 it 'checkouts ircaas from repo' do
   expect(@chef_run).to checkout_git("/opt/ircaas").with(repository: 'ssh://git.path', branch: 'master')

# a test without an expect will be marked as pending, useful
# if you don't know how to test a specific function, or you
# want to write the test later.
 it 'an example to help show pending tests' do
   pending 'I don't know how to test this function yet'

After writing the tests I will go ahead and write the recipe to pass them.


# Cookbook Name:: ircaas
# Recipe:: application

include_recipe 'ruby::default'
include_recipe 'git::default'

user node['ircaas']['user'] do
 username node['ircaas']['user']
 comment "ircaas User"
 shell "/bin/bash"
 home "/home/ircaas"
 system true

git node['ircaas']['path'] do
 repository node['ircaas']['git']['repo']
 branch node['ircaas']['git']['branch']
 destination node['ircaas']['path']
 action :checkout
Finally I run berkshelf to fetch any required cookbooks and then run strainer to run through the tests.

bundle exec berks install
bundle exec strainer test

Integration Test

Of course units tests are only part of the picture and I want to make sure that the whole cookbook functions correctly and will result in a node configured and working as defined in your cookbook. To perform an Integration Test I use Vagrant, for which I have a base Vagrantfile in my meez repo. I won't bore you with too much detail because chances are you're already familiar with Vagrant. Needless to say I run vagrant up and then after it completes provisioning I SSH into it and test that the node has converged and my rails application is running.


We've explored the basics of doing README/Test Driven Development for Chef Cookbooks. This has been a very shallow look at a very deep topic so I encourage you to look around at other tools and frameworks and try to find something that works for you. It took me quite some time to really grok the whole process and longer again to be able to proudly declare that I'm somewhat competent at it.

If at first chefspec is really hard just write pending tests for everything, or skip it altogether. The rest of the tests provided by Strainer will still help catch issues without having to wait for a node to converge.

One of the unexpected advantages I've found when following this framework is that there are two places I really have to think about what I want to acheive before I even write a single line of a recipe (in the README and writing the tests). This gives me time to really formulate in my head what it is I need to do and have already started breaking it down into small easy chunks that can be written between coffee breaks when it comes time to actually write code.

Further reading

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