December 3, 2021

Day 3 - Keeping Config Management Simple with Itamae

By: Paul Welch (@pwelch)
Edited by: Jennifer Davis (@sigje)

Our DevOps toolbox is filled with many tools with Configuration Management being an often neglected and overloaded workhorse. While many resources today are deployed with containers, you still use configuration management tools to manage the underlying servers. Whether you use an image-based approach and configure your systems with Packer or prefer configuring your systems manually after creation by something like Terraform, chances are you still want to continuously manage your hosts with infrastructure as code. To add to the list of potential tools to solve this, I’d like to introduce you to Itamae. Itamae is a simple tool that helps you manage your hosts with a straight-forward DSL while also giving you access to the Ruby ecosystem. Inspired by Chef, Itamae has a similar DSL but does not require a server, complex attributes, or data bags.

Managing Resources

Itamae is designed to be lightweight; it comes with an essential set of resource types to bring your hosts to the expected state. These resource types focus on the core parts of our host we want to manage like packages, templates, and services. The bundled `execute` resource can be used as an escape hatch to manage resources that might not have a builtin resource type. If you find yourself wanting to manage something often that does not have a built in resource, you can build your own resources if you are comfortable with Ruby.

All Itamae resource types have common attributes that include: actions, guards, and triggers for other resources.


Actions are the activities that you want to have occur with the resource. Each bundled resource has predefined actions that can be taken. A `service` resource, for example, can have both an `:enable` and `:start` action which tells Itamae to enable the service to start on system boot and also start the service if it is not currently running.

    # enable and start the fail2ban service
    service “fail2ban” do
      action [:enable, :start]


Guards ensure a resource is idempotent by only invoking the interpreted code if the conditions pass. The common attributes that are available to use within your infracode are `only_if` and `not_if`.

    # create an empty file only if it does not exist
    execute "create an empty file" do
      command "touch /tmp/file.txt"
      not_if "test -e /tmp/file.txt"


Triggers allow you to define event driven notifications to other resources.

The `notifies` and `subscribes` attributes allow you to trigger other resources only if there is a change such as restarting a service when a new template is rendered. These are synonymous with Chef & Puppet’s `notifies` and `subscribes` or Ansible’s `handlers`.

    # define nginx service
    service 'nginx' do
      action [:enable, :start]
    # render template and restart nginx if there are changes
    template "/etc/nginx/sites-available/main" do
      source "templates/etc/nginx/sites-available/main.erb"
      mode   "0644"
      action :create
      notifies :restart, "service[nginx]", :delayed

Itamae code is normally organized in “cookbooks” much like Chef. You can include recipes to separate your code. Itamae also supports definitions to help DRY your code for resources.


Now that we have an initial overview of the Itamae basics, let’s build a basic Nginx configuration for a host. This example will install Nginx from a PPA on Ubuntu and render a basic configuration that will return the requestor’s IP address. The cookbook resources will be organized as follows:

    ├── default.rb
    └── templates
        └── etc
              └── nginx
                └── sites-available
                   └── main.erb

We will keep it simple with a single `default.rb` recipe and single `main.erb` Nginx site configuration template. The recipe and site configuration template content can be found below.

    # default.rb
    # Add Nginx PPA
    execute "add-apt-repository-ppa-nginx-stable" do
      command "add-apt-repository ppa:nginx/stable --yes"
      not_if "test -e /usr/sbin/nginx"
    # Update apt cache
    execute "update-apt-cache" do
      command "apt-get update"
    # install nginx stable
    package "nginx" do
      action :install
    # enable nginx service
    service 'nginx' do
      action [:enable, :start]
    # configure nginx
    template "/etc/nginx/sites-available/main" do
      source "templates/etc/nginx/sites-available/main.erb"
      mode   "0644"
      action :create
      notifies :restart, "service[nginx]", :delayed
    # enable example site
    link '/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/main'  do
      to "/etc/nginx/sites-available/main"
      notifies :restart, "service[nginx]", :delayed
      not_if "test -e /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/main"
    # disable default site
    execute "disable-nginx-default-site" do
      command "rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default"
      notifies :restart, "service[nginx]", :delayed
      only_if "test -e /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default"

    # main.conf
server {
  listen 80 default_server;
  listen [::]:80 default_server;

  server_name _;

  location / {
    # Return the requestor's IP as plain text
    default_type text/html;
    return 200 $remote_addr;


*To deploy the above example, it is assumed that you have a temporary VPS instance available.

There are 3 different ways you can deploy your configurations with Itamae:

  • `itamae ssh` via the itamae gem.
  • `itamae local` also via the itamae gem.
  • `mitamae` locally on the host.

Mitamae is an alternative implementation of Itamae built with mruby. This post is focusing on Itamae in general but the Mitamae implementation is a notable option if you want to deploy your configuration using prebuilt binaries instead of using SSH or requiring Ruby.

With your configuration ready it’s just a single command to deploy over SSH. Itamae uses the SpecInfra library which is the same library that ServerSpec uses to test hosts. You can also access a host’s inventory in Itamae much like you can with Chef & Ohai. To deploy your configuration, run:

    itamae ssh --key=/path/to/ssh_key --host=<IP> --user=<USER> default.rb

Itamae will manage those packages and write out the template we specified, bringing the host to our desired state. Once the command is complete, you should be able to curl the host’s IP address and receive a response from Nginx.

Wrapping Up

Thank you for joining me in learning about this lightweight configuration management tool. Itamae gives you a set of bundled resource types to quickly configure your infrastructure in a repeatable and automated manner with three ways to deploy. Check out the Itamae Wiki for more information and best practices!

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