December 1, 2011

Day 1 - Don't bash your process outputs

This article was written by Phil Hollenback (

The Problem

Like most veteran bash scripters, I have a tendency to abuse shell scripting. In particular, I often fall into the trap of collecting and manipulating process output. This works fine for the simple case of one or two lines of stdout, but falls down horribly for complex cases. Pretty soon a simple


turns in to a huge conditional block where you have to check exit codes, redirect stderr in to temporary files, and generally hate yourself.

Welcome to Perl

I should warn you from the start: I've got a secret agenda. My goal is to convince all sysadmins to ditch the bash scripts and use perl instead. With perl you get both the ubiquity of shell scripting and access to a rich data manipulation environment.

Unfortunately, the default perl backtick mechanism for capturing process output isn't a whole lot better than what you get with bash. The good news is that thanks to the CPAN, there are many ways to deal with gathering process input. I'll cover two here: IO::CaptureOutput and IPC::System::Simple. There's some overlap between these two modules but I find I often end up using them both for different tasks. In particular, IO::CaptureOutput is best if you need to deal with both STDERR and STDOUT, and IPC::System::Simple is best if you just need something friendlier than the default perl system call or backticks operator.


IO::CaptureOutput is the more comprehensive solution to the problem of capturing output and determining whether the external process ran correctly. Here's how I typically use it:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use IO::CaptureOutput qw/capture_exec/;

my ($JobStdout, $JobStderr, $JobSuccess, $JobExitCode) =
if ( ! $JobSuccess )
    print "my_command failed with exit code " . ($JobExitCode >> 8);
    print " and printed on stderr:\n";
    print $JobStderr;

my @JobResults = split(/^/,$JobStdout);

my $number = 1;
foreach my $line (@JobResults) {
  print "$number: $line"

This provides a comprehensive record of what happened when you ran my_command and is appropriate if any failure is grounds for terminating your script. Note that it also preserves and outputs stderr in case of failure, which is a friendly touch.

After running capture_exec this way, every line of your external command output is sitting there in the array @JobResults, ready for further processing. For example, you could do this next to remove beginning line numbers from your output:

# perl arrays are always references so this is in-place
# editing!
map { s/^\s*\d+\s// } @JobResults;

Or, say you wanted to print all the non-comment lines from the output:

print grep(!/^#/, @JobResults);

Another problem that capture_exec solves nicely is the issue of external commands that print failures to stderr but then return a successful exit code. To trap this, check the contents of $JobStderr:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use IO::CaptureOutput qw/capture_exec/;
use List::Util qw/first/;

my $command = "echo hello world and some error text";
my ($JobStdout, $JobStderr, $JobSuccess, $JobExitCode) =
my @JobResults = split(/^/,$JobStdout);

if ( first { /some error text/ } @JobResults )
    # found an occurence of the error text
    print "'$command' command failed";
    print " and printed on stderr:\n";
    print $JobStderr;

Let's put that all together in a trivial data munging script that calls lsof(1) and finds all the open files from processes owned by my user:

use IO::CaptureOutput qw/capture_exec/;
my $username = "philiph";
my $command = "lsof";

my ($JobStdout, $JobStderr, $JobSuccess, $JobExitCode) =
if ( ! $JobSuccess )
    print "$command failed with exit code " . ($JobExitCode >> 8);
    print " and printed on stderr:\n";
    print $JobStderr;
# split lines in to an array
my @JobResults = split(/^/,$JobStdout);

print $#JobResults + 1;
print " total open files on the system, here's what is owned by $username:\n";
print grep(/^\S+\s+\S+\s+$username/, @JobResults);

That will print something like this:

1687 processes owned by philiph:
loginwind    47 philiph  cwd      DIR       14,2       1530        2 /
loginwind    47 philiph  txt      REG       14,2    1754160  3902953 blah
loginwind    47 philiph  txt      REG       14,2     113744    35203 foo
loginwind    47 philiph  txt      REG       14,2     425504 14968261 quux

The power of IO::CaptureOutput is that it provides a consistent way to capture stderr, stdout, and the return code when calling an external process. In turn that makes it trivially easy to transform the process output into an array and perform operations on that array.


If you don't actually care about separately capturing the stdout, stderr and exit value from a process then IO::CaptureOutput is a bit of a heavyweight. Instead, for the ultimate in simplicity you should look at IPC::System::Simple. This CPAN module provides a number of extremely convenient replacements for the perl system and backticks operators. For example, if you just want to run a process and die on failure, you can do this:

use IPC::System::Simple qw(system);

That's it. If anything goes wrong with calling my_program, this replacement for the perl system builtin will just call die to exit your script with a descriptive error message. Of course, you can always catch the exception instead of just die()ing. The big advantage of this version of system is it prints much more descriptive messages on exit, including the real return code.

This module also includes a capture function which is a replacement for the default backticks operator in perl. It works similarly to IO::CaptureOutput capture_exec, although note you can only capture STDOUT, not STDERR. If you don't care at all about STDERR you could make my earlier example much simpler:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use IPC::System::Simple qw(capture);

my $username = "philiph";
my $command = "lsof";

my @JobResults = capture($command);

print $#JobResults + 1;
print " total files on this system, the following are opened by by $username:\n";
print grep(/^\S+\s+\S+\s+$username/, @JobResults);

If anything goes wrong, IPC::System::Simple will just bomb out with a descriptive message, and set an appropriate exit value automatically. This saves you from having to bit shift the system result codes to figure out what the hell actually happened. An illustration:

# the standard way
my $command = "crontab -l -u root";
system("$command") == 0 or die "$command failed: $?";

if you aren't running as root, this produces the following baffling error:

crontab: must be privileged to use -u
crontab -l -u root failed: 256 at /tmp/ line 6.

that '256' actually has to be bitshifted ($?>>8) to get the real exit value, which is 1. Also, you have to remember to manually call die on a non-zero return from the default perl system function.

If you replace the default system fucntion with the IPC::System::Simple one, that is all taken care of automatically:

# Replace system with IPC::System::Simple
use IPC::System::Simple qw(system);
my $command = "crontab -l -u root";

this time you get the real failure:

crontab: must be privileged to use -u
"crontab -l -u root" unexpectedly returned exit value 1 at /tmp/ line 6

And you don't even have to remember to call die! Of course, you can trap the failure in an eval block if you don't want your script to die.

As a further refinement, say you know that there is a list of exit codes that are acceptable when calling an external process. IPC::System::Simple has a shorthand for that:

# Replace system with IPC::System::Simple
use IPC::System::Simple qw(system);
my $command = "crontab -l -u root";
# return codes 0 or 1 are acceptable
system([0,1], "$command");

Now, the script will continue on past the system call as long as it returns an exit code of 0 or 1. Otherwise it will die with a descriptive error message the same way as before.


Dealing with process output in bash scripts is hard! Doing it correctly and safely can quickly end up with you shaving yaks.

Stock perl with the system function and backtick operator is an improvement. You gain access to perl's rich data manipulation features, but you still have to do unpleasant things like bitshifts to determine the real process exit code.

As usual, CPAN comes to the rescue. If you just want to replace system or backticks with more convenient functions, IPC::System::Simple is an excellent choice. If you want to capture all of STDOUT, STDERR, and the process return code, then IO::CaptureOutput is the way to go. Also, note that these modules are portable across unix, mac, and windows.

Further Reading


  1. Capture::Tiny is also worth looking at, especially if you have to work on (shudder) Windows.

  2. Cool stuff. Are there ways of dealing with data that is being piped into your perl process and potentially used upstream? Is bash better at living in the middle of a list of commands?

  3. Perl can't do this without one of these CPAN modules fetched?

  4. I think this is exactly the reason people use bash. If I wanted to run that script on 100 different servers i have to install those modules first. However, if I wrote the script in bash, then i don't need to do anything to the servers. I don't think you've made a strong enough argument to convince people to use perl.

  5. Python is better for this sort of thing. I would never encourage anyone to learn perl as a new language.

  6. One can also get the output of a command and also exit code, without using any of CPAN modules. We can achieve the same effect with standard "open" function but using pipes.

    my $cmd = 'ls -l';
    open( CMD, "$cmd |" ) or die "$!\n";

    my $return_code = $? >> 8; # return code of $cmd

    my $cmd_result = ;
    close CMD;

  7. python +1, its easy to learn and very rich... I'm waiting for the day it comes installed by default in all Unixes

  8. People saying python is so awesome: write a rebuttal post with code samples or quit your jibberjabber. ;)

    Dileep: your solution is legit, but note you can't separate stderr and stout that way. IPC::Open3 works for that, tho.

    Anonymous: Installing perl modules is pretty easy if you're doing proper config management. Also my other point is still valid: processing text in bash sucks. IO::CaptureOutput is a great way to get that data in to perl, then you've got an amazing processing environment.

    Thank you all so much for reading and commenting!

  9. In reply to what the "That's why people use bash" anonymous said, one should note that bash also isn't self-contained and often one needs to resort to using external programs which need to be installed separately. So you need to have a way to install them on all servers as well, and should better plan for it.

    Also see mst’s “But I can't use CPAN”.

  10. Python-- and
    Ruby-- too
    for Sysadmin language.
    I can't understand who use python or ruby(puppet, chef...crap) for robust system admin tasks.

    They break language and modules backwards compatibility very easily even in minor version upgrade.
    It's harder to maintain working language version across servers than do real sysadmin tasks.

    Use them If you want to see that something is not working today while it is still working well from yesterday.

  11. Thanks for the excellent post. I can't wait to try it. I always feel a little dirty when I bust out the ``. I want my perl to be as perl as possible.

  12. I love all the things I've learned from comments. If I rewrote this article I'd probably use Capture::Tiny and IPC::Run instead.
