December 24, 2014

Day 24 - 12 days of SecDevOps

Written by: Jen Andre (@fun_cuddles)
Edited by: Ben Cotton (@funnelfiasco)

Ah, the holidays. The time of year when we want to be throwing back the eggnogs, chilling in front our fake fireplaces, maybe catching a funny Christmas day movie… but oh no we can’t, because guess what, a certain entertainment company was held hostage by a security breach the likes of which corporate America has never seen before… and no more movie for you.

It’s an interesting time to be a security defender. The recent Sony breach has just put a period on the worst-of-the-worst scenarios that us tinfoil-hat, paranoid security people have been ranting about all along: one bad breach could be business shattering.

But let’s step back, and look at the theme of this blog: the 12 days of SecDevOps. Besides being a ridiculous title that I’m 90% sure my ops director chose specifically as a troll for me (thanks, Pete), it underlines an important concept. Whether `security` is in your job title or not, operations is increasingly becoming the front-line for implementing security defenses.

Given that reality, and the fact that security breaches are NOT going away, and that most of us don’t have yacht-sized security budgets, I thought it would be interesting to come up with 12 practical, high-impact things that small organizations could be doing to shore up their security posture.

Day 1: Fear and Loathing and Risk Assessment and Hipsters

Risk assessment. It’s not just some big words auditors love to use. It’s simply weighing the probability of bad things happening against the cost to mitigate the risk of that bad thing happening. And using that to make good security decisions as you make day-to-day architecture and ops choices:

risk = (threat) x (probability) x (business impact)*

*whoever told you there would be no math lied to you

You may not be aware of it, but as an ops person you are likely doing risk assessment already, except more likely around things like uptime and reliability. Consider this scenario:

  • John, the web guy, proposes replacing PostgreSQL with SomeNewHipsterDB.
  • You ask yourself, ‘huh, what’s the chances that I’m going to get paged at 3am because writes stop happening and my web site starts screaming in pain?’ You are probably not having warm-fuzzy feelings about this plan.
  • Your development and ops team evaluates the benefits to the engineering team and business for switching to SomeNewHipsterDB and weighs it against the probability that you are going to get woken up all of the time, and the impact it will have on your sunny disposition and decide that yeah… maybe not gonna do it.
  • Or, you do, except you mitigate this risk by saying ‘John, you will be forever paged for all SomeNewHipsterDB issues. Done.’

Cool. Now do this for security. Every time you are making architecture choices, or changing configuration of your infrastructure, or considering some new third-party service SaaS you’ll be sending data to, you should be asking yourself: what’s the impact if that service or system gets hacked? How will you mitigate the risks?

This doesn’t have to be a formal or fancy report. It can be a running text file or spreadsheet with all of the possible points of failure. Get everyone involved with thinking of ways pieces of the infrastructure or organization can be hacked, and ways you are protected against those worst-case scenarios. It can be like ‘ANYONE WHO OWNS OUR CHEF SERVER COULD DESTROY EVERYTHING [but we have uber-monitoring and Jane over there reviews audit logs daily]’. Start with the scenario: what if… ? and have conversations with engineers and business owners defend why what we’re doing is good enough. Make security a fundamentally collaborative process.

Day 2: Shared Secrets: Figure it Out Now

There’s 3 things in life that are inevitable: death, taxes… and the fact that a sales guy left to his own devices will always put all of his passwords in a plain text file (or if fancy, an Excel spreadsheet).

The lesson is this: password management isn’t something that just the technical team decides and manages for itself. We should be advocating organization-wide education on managing credentials, because guess what? Access to Salesforce, Gmail, and all of these SaaS services with sensitive business data are being used by people who are not engineers.

Solution? As part of every employee’s onboarding process, install password management on an employee’s workstation, and show them how to use it (e.g. 1Password or LastPass, or whatever your tool of choice is). Start doing this from the outset, as it’s best to figure this out on Day 1 rather than 200 employees in.

Day 3: Shared Secrets for Infrastructure, Too

When it comes to infrastructure secrets, there are extra concerns because in most cases, systems needs to be able to access these secrets in a non-interactive, automated way (e.g. I need to be able to spin up an app server that knows how to authenticate to my database).

If all of your infra passwords start unencrypted somewhere in a git repo, You Are Going To Have A Bad Time. Noah has a good article on various options for managing shared secrets in your infrastructure.

Day 4: Config Management On All Of The Things (So You Aren’t Sweating from Shell Shocks)

This should be obvious to everyone who drinks from the DevOps Koolaid, but CM has done beautiful things for patch management. It may be tempting to deploy a one-off box used for dev manually without config management installed, but guess what? In the case of Browser Stack, that turned out to be a massive achilles heel.

Making the process easy for devs to get access to the infrastructure they need (while giving you the ability to manage systems) is key. Do this right away.

Day 5: Secure your Development Environments (Because No One Else Will)

If left to their own devices, development environments tend to veer to chaotic. This isn’t just because developers are lazy (and as a developer, I mean this in the nicest possible way) but because of the nature of the prototyping and testing process.

From a security perspective, this all means bad juju (see Browser Stack example above). I can assure you that if you start building your prototype or dev infrastructure exposed to the public internet, deploying it without even the basic config management, it will stay that way forever.

So: if you are using AWS, start with an Amazon VPC with strict perimeter security, and require VPN access for any development infrastructure. Get some config management on everything, even if it’s just for system patches.

Put some bounds around the chaos early on, and this will make it easy to mature the security controls as the product and organization mature.

Day 6: 2-Factor all of the things (well, the important things)

Require 2-factor wherever you can. Google Apps has made enforcing this super easy, and technologies like DuoSecurity and YubiKey make adding 2-factor to your critical infrastructure (e.g., your VPN accounts) far, far less annoying than it used to be.

Day 7: Encrypt your Emails (and other communications)

Encrypt your emails. It’s annoying to set up, but guess what? Hackers just love to post juicy stuff on pastebin. Again, from Day 1, help every single employee configure PGP or SMIME encryption as part of the onboarding process. Once installed, it’s relatively painless to use (as long as you don’t mind archaic mail clients from 1999).

This is especially important to drill into executives because they tend to have more sensitive emails (e.g. their private boardroom chatter), and are particularly susceptible to phishing style-attacks. With the recent Sony email leaks, you now have some leverage. You can throw the ‘Angelina Jolie’ emails in front of them and ask: how much do you think business and reputations would suffer were their entire email archives publically disclosed via a breach?

For many of us, chat is as crucial as email in terms of the type of reputation-critical information we put there. It may not be reasonable to switch to a self-hosted chat solution, but in that case, ensure you are picking a service that helps YOU mitigate your risk. E.g., do you need all of the history? Do you need private history for user chats?

Day 8: Security Monitoring: Start Small, Plan Big

Put the infrastructure in place to collect as much security data as possible, then start slowly making potential security issues visible by adding reports and alerts that deal with threat scenarios you are most worried about.

Start small. Remember that risk assessment list you made? Identify what you are most afraid of (um, that PHP CMS that has hundreds of vulnerabilities reported per year? Your VPN server?) and tackle monitoring for those items first.

Instrumenting your infrastructure from day 1 for security monitoring (even if it’s just collecting all of the system and application logs) puts you in a good position later on to start sophisticated reporting and intrusion detection on that data.

Day 9: Code/Design Reviews

Although there have been a lot of advancement in static and dynamic source code analysis tools (which you can integrate right into your CI process), a good-old fashion code review by a human being goes a long way. If you’re using GitHub, just make it part of the development workflow and testing pipeline. Whenever changes are made to authentication or authorization, have someone look for automated tests that deal with those cases.

Day 10: Test Your Users

Phish yourself regularly. It’s really easy to do, and can be illuminating to the rest of the business which may not be as technical as the operations/engineering side, and not really understand really the impact of opening an attachment in an email or not checking URLs where they are logging into a website. You can use some open source tools, but are also many services now that you can pay to do this for you.

Day 11: Make an Incident Response Plan Now

So, you see something odd in your logs. Like, Bob your DBA ran a Postgres backup on production DB, tar’d it up, and sent it to an FTP server in Singapore. Bob lives in Reston VA, and this is definitely not normal. You start seeing evidence of other weird stuff ‘bob’ is doing that he shouldn’t be.

What now? Do you email Bob and say ‘something weird is happening?’ Do you call the Director of Ops? Do you put a message in a lonely chat room?

Figure out a plan for escalating possible critical security issues. Doesn’t have to be fancy or use specialize ITIL incident response workflow tools. Make a group in PagerDuty. Have an out-of-band channel for communicating details, in case your normal network goes the way of Sony and is totally compromised or just plain is not working. Maybe it’s as simple as an email list that doesn’t use the corporate email accounts, or a conference bridge everyone can hop on.

Day 12: Don’t be the Security ‘A**hole’

You. Yes, you. Don’t be the security a**hole that gets in everyone’s way and loses sight of the real reason for everyone’s existence: to run a business. You can be the security champion without being the blocker. In fact, that’s the only way to be effective. If a user is coming to you and saying ‘this is really really annoying, I don’t want to do it’ - listen to them. Too many security personnel disregard the usability issue of security controls for the sake of security theater, which leads to (unsurprisingly) abandonment, cynicism, and apathy when it comes to real security concerns.

DevOps is really a philosophy: it’s not a job title, or a set of tools, it’s the concept of using modern tools and processes to facilitate collaboration with the engineers who deliver the code and those who must maintain it. Um, that was a lot of words, but the key word is collaboration. It’s no longer acceptable to throw ‘security over the wall’ and expect your users and ops people to just do what you say.

The best security cultures are not prescriptive, they are collaborative. They understand that business needs to get done. They are intellectually honest and admit ‘yeah, we could get hacked’ - but what can we do about this in a way that doesn’t bring everything to a halt? Zane Lackey has a great talk on building a modern security engineering organization that expounds many of these ideas, and more.

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