December 25, 2014

Day 25 - Windows has Configuration Management?!?

Written by: Steven Murawski (@stevenmurawski)
Edited by: William Shipway (@shipw)

Windows Server administration has long been the domain of “admins” mousing their way through a number of Microsoft and third party management UIs (and I was one of them for a while). There have always been a stalwart few who, by hook or by crook, found a way to automate the almost unautomateable. But this group remained on the fringes of Windows administration. They were labeled as heretics and shunned, until someone needed to do something not easily accomplished by a swipe of the mouse.

The sea winds have shifted and over the past seven or eight years, Microsoft released PowerShell and began focusing on providing a first class experience to the tool makers and automation-minded. The earlier group of tool makers and automators gained traction and began to develop a larger following, as more Microsoft and third party products added support for PowerShell. That intrepid group of early automators formed the core of the PowerShell community and began welcoming new converts - whether they were true believers or forced into acceptance by the lack of some capability in their comfortable management UIs. Now, most Windows Server administrators have delved into the command line and have begun to succumb to the siren call of automation.

Just as the PowerShell community’s evangelism was reaching a fevered pitch, Microsoft added another management tool - Desired State Configuration. The tool-makers and automators were stunned. Cries of “what about my deployment scripts?” and “but, I already built my VM templates!” echoed through the halls. Early adopters of PowerShell v3 lamented “isn’t this what workflows were for?”. Some had already begun to explore the dark arts of configuration management using tools like Chef and Puppet to bring order to their infrastructure management. With the help of those in the community who blazed a trail in implementing configuration management on Windows, those cries of dismay began to turn into rabid curiosity and even envy. The administrators began to read books like the Phoenix Project and hear stories from companies like Stack Exchange, Etsy, Facebook, and Amazon about this cult of DevOps. They wanted access to this new realm of possibilities, where production deployments don’t mean a week of late nights in the office and requests for new servers don’t go to the bottom of the pile to sit for a month to “percolate”.

Read on, dear reader to understand the full story of Desired State Configuration and its place in the new DevOps world where Windows Server administrators find themselves.

An Introduction to Desired State Configuration

With the release of Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows Management Framework 4, Microsoft introduced Desired State Configuration (DSC). DSC consists of three main components: the Local Configuration Manager, a configuration Domain Specific Language (DSL), and resources (with a pattern for building more). DSC is available on Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows 8.1 64 bit out of the box and can be installed on Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2008 R2, and Windows 7 64 bit with Windows Management Framework 4. There is an evolving ecosystem around Desired State Configuration, including support for a number of systems management and deployment projects. To me, one of the most important benefits of the introduction of Desired State Configuration is the awakening of the Windows administration community to configuration management concepts.

A Platform Play

The inclusion of Desired State Configuration may seem like a slap in the face to existing configuration management vendors, but that is not the case. Desired State Configuration is a platform level capability similar to PerfMon or Event Tracing for Windows. DSC is not intended to wholesale replace other configuration management platforms, but to be a base which other platforms can build on in a consistent manner.

The Evolution of DSC

One of the major knocks against administering Windows servers in the past has been the horrendous story around automation. Command-line tools were either lacking coverage or just plain missing. The shell was in a sorry state.

Then, shortly before Windows Server 2008 shipped, PowerShell came about. Initially, PowerShell had relatively poor native coverage for managing Windows, but it worked with .NET, WMI, and COM, so it could do just about anything you needed.

More coverage was introduced with each release of Windows Server. Windows Server 2012 had an explosion of coverage via native PowerShell commands for just about everything on the platform.

PowerShell appeared to be the management API for configuring Windows servers. The downside of a straight PowerShell interface is that PowerShell commands aren’t necessarily idempotent. Some like Add-WindowsFeature are, and do the right thing if the command is run repeatedly. Others are not, like New-Website, which will throw errors if the site already exists.

DSC was introduced to provide a common management API that offers consistent behavior. Under the covers, it is mostly PowerShell that is running, but the patterns the resources follow ensure that only the work that needs to be done is done, and when a resource is in the proper state, that it is left alone.

Being a platform feature means that there is a consistent, supported mechanism for customers and vendors to manage and evolve the configured state of Windows servers.

Standards Based

Desired State Configuration was built using standards already supported on the Windows platform - CIM and WSMAN.

CIM, Common Information Model, is the DMTF standard that WMI is based upon and provides structure and schema for DSC.

WSMAN, WS-Management, is a web services protocol and DMTF standard for management traffic. WinRM and PowerShell remoting are built on this transport as well.

While these might not be the greatest standards in the world, they do provide a consistent manner for interacting with the Desired State Configuration service.

An Evolving API

Though Windows Management Framework (WMF) was just recently introduced (it has been released for just over a year), WMF 5 development is well under way and includes many enhancements and bug fixes. One major change is to make the DSC engine’s API more friendly to use by third-party configuration management systems.

There was also a recent rollup patch for Server 2012 R2 (KB3000850) that contains a number of bugfixes and some tweaks for ensuring compatibility with changes coming in WMF 5.

Diving In

Now that we’ve got a bit of history and rationale for existence out of the way, we can dig in to the substance of Desired State Configuration.

The Local Configuration Manager

The engine that manages the consistency of a Windows server is the Local Configuration Manager (LCM). The LCM is exposed as a WMI (CIM) class (MSFT_DscLocalConfigurationManager) in the Root/Microsoft/Windows/DesiredStateConfiguration namespace.

The LCM is responsible for periodically checking the state of resources in a configuration document. This agent controls

  • whether resources are allowed to reboot the node as part of a configuration cycle
  • how the agent should treat deviance from the configuration state (apply and never check, apply and report deviance, apply and autocorrect problems)
  • how often consistency checks should be run
  • and more…

It has a plugin/extension point with the concept of Download Managers. Download Managers are used for Pull mode configurations. There are two download managers that ship in the box, one using a simple REST endpoint to retrieve configurations and one using a SMB file share. As it currently stands, these are not open for replacement by third parties (but it could be made so - please weigh in to the PowerShell team about that before WMF 5 is done!).

A Quick Note - Push vs. Pull

DSC configurations can be imperatively pushed to a node (via the Start-DscConfiguration cmdlet or directly to the WMI API), or if a Download Manager is configured it can pull a configuration and resources from a central repository (currently either SMB file share or REST-based pull server). If a node is in PULL mode, when a new configuration is retrieved, it is parsed to find the various modules required for the configuration to be applied. If any of the requisite modules and versions are not present on the local node, the pull server can supply those.

DSC Resources

Resources are the second major component of the DSC ecosystem, and are what make things happen in the context of DSC. There are three ways of creating DSC resources: They can be written in PowerShell, as WMI classes, or in Windows Management Framework 5, as PowerShell classes. As PowerShell class-based resources are still an experimental feature and the level of effort to create WMI based resources is pretty high, we’ll focus on PowerShell-based resources here.

DSC resources are implemented as PowerShell modules. They are hosted inside another PowerShell module under a DSCResources folder. The host module needs to have a module metadata file and have a module version defined in order for it to host DSC resources.

The resources themselves are PowerShell modules that expose three functions or cmdlets:

  • Get-TargetResource
  • Test-TargetResource
  • Set-TargetResource

Get-TargetResource returns the currently configured state (or lack thereof) of the resource. The function returns a hashtable that the LCM converts to an object at a later stage.

Test-TargetResource is used to determine if the resource is in the desired state or not. It returns a boolean.

Set-TargetResource is responsible for getting the resource into the desired state. Set-TargetResource is only executed after Test-TargetResource.

The Configuration DSL

Also introduced with Desired State Configuration are some domain specific language extensions on top of PowerShell. Actually, Windows Management Framework 4 added some public extension points in PowerShell for creating new keywords, which is what DSC uses.

Stick with me here, as it may get a bit confusing - I’ll be using “configuration” in two contexts. First is the configuration script. This is defined in PowerShell and can be defined in a script file, a module, or an ad hoc entry at the command line. The second use of “configuration” is in the context of the configuration document. This is the final serialized representation of the configuration for a particular machine or class of machines. This document is in Managed Object Format (MOF) and is how CIM classes are serialized.

The first keyword defined is configuration. The configuration keyword indicates that the subsequent scriptblock will be a configuration document and should be parsed differently. All your standard PowerShell constructs and commands are valid inside of a configuration, as are a few new keywords. There are two static keywords and a series of dynamic keywords in a configuration document.

The first two static keywords are node and Import-DscResource. I’ll deal with the latter first, since it seems very oddly named. Import-DscResource looks in name like a cmdlet or function, but is a keyword that is valid only in a configuration document and only outside of the context of a node. Import-DscResource identifies custom and third-party modules to make available in a configuration document. By default, only DSC resources in modules located at $pshome/modules (usually c:\windows\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\modules) can be used without using Import-DscResource and specifying which modules to make resources available from. The second static keyword is the node keyword. Node is used to identify the machine or class of machines that the configuration is targeted at. Resources are generally assigned inside node declarations.

The configuration also includes a number of potential dynamic keywords which represent the DSC resources available for the configuration.

An example configuration script looks something like:

configuration SysAdvent
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName cWebAdministration

    node $AllNodes.where({$_.role -like 'web'}).NodeName
      windowsfeature IIS
        Name = 'web-server'

      cWebsite FourthCoffee
        Name = 'FourthCoffee'
        State = 'Started'
        ApplicationPool = 'FourthCoffeeAppPool'
        PhysicalPath = 'c:\websites\fourthcoffee'
        DependsOn = '[windowsfeature]IIS'


The above configuration script, when run, creates a command in the current PowerShell session called SysAdvent. Running that command will generate a configuration document for every server in a collection that has the role of a web server. The configuration command has a common parameter of ConfigurationData which is where AllNodes comes from (more on that in a bit). The result of this command will be a MOF document describing the desired configuration for every node identified as a web server.

MOF documents created by the command are written in a folder (of the same name as the configuration) created in the current working directory. Files are named for the node they represent (e.g. server1.mof). You can specify a custom output location. Here is our newly created MOF document:

@GenerationDate=12/22/2014 04:12:56

instance of MSFT_RoleResource as $MSFT_RoleResource1ref
SourceInfo = "::7::7::windowsfeature";
 ModuleName = "PSDesiredStateConfiguration";
 ModuleVersion = "1.0";
 ResourceID = "[WindowsFeature]IIS";
 Name = "web-server";

 ConfigurationName = "SysAdvent";

instance of PSHOrg_cWebsite as $PSHOrg_cWebsite1ref
ResourceID = "[cWebsite]FourthCoffee";
 PhysicalPath = "c:\\websites\\fourthcoffee";
 State = "Started";
 ApplicationPool = "FourthCoffeeAppPool";
 SourceInfo = "::12::7::cWebsite";
 Name = "FourthCoffee";
 ModuleName = "cWebAdministration";
 ModuleVersion = "1.1.1";

DependsOn = {


 ConfigurationName = "SysAdvent";

instance of OMI_ConfigurationDocument
 GenerationDate="12/22/2014 04:12:56";

Other Tidbits

There are a few other things one should know in preparation for digging into DSC.

ConfigurationData and AllNodes

Configurations have support for a convention-based approach to separating environmental data from the structural configuration. The configuration script represents the structure or model for the machine, and the environmental data (via ConfigurationData) fleshes out the details.

ConfigurationData is represented by a hashtable with at least one key - AllNodes. AllNodes is an array of hashtables representing the nodes that should have configurations generated and becomes an automatic variable that can be referenced in the configuration (like in the example above). The value provided in $ConfigurationData is also referenced and you can create custom keys and reference those in your configuration document. The PowerShell team reserves the right to use any key in the ConfigurationData hashtable that is prefixed with PS.


$ConfigurationData = @{
  AllNodes = (
      @{NodeName = '*', InterestingData = 'Every node can reference me.'}
      @{NodeName = 'Server1'; Role = 'Web'},
      @{NodeName = 'Server2'; Role = 'SQL'},

Sysadvent -ConfigurationData $ConfigurationData

Resources in DSC are not ordered by default and there is no guarantee of ordering. The current WMF 4 implementation and the previews of WMF 5 all seem to serially process resources, but there is NO guarantee that will stay that way. If you need things to happen in a certain order, you need to use DependsOn to tell a resource what needs to happen first before that one can execute.

Node Names

In PUSH mode, the node name is either the server name, FQDN, or IP address (any valid way you can address that node via PowerShell remoting).

In PULL mode, the node name is not the server name. Servers are assigned a GUID and they use that to identify which configuration to retrieve from a pull server. Where this GUID comes from is up to you - you can generate them on the fly, pull one from AD, or use one from another system. Since the GUID is the identifier, you can use one GUID to represent an individual server or a class of servers.

WMF 5 - In Production

If you are running Windows Server 2012 R2, you can stay on the bleeding edge AND get production support. The PowerShell team recently announced that if you are using WMF 5, you can get production support for what they call “stable” designs - those features that either existed in previous versions of the Management Framework or have reached a level that the team is ready to provide support. Other features, which are more in flux, are labeled experimental and don’t carry the same support level. With this change, you can safely deploy WMF 5 and begin to test new features and get the bug fixes faster than waiting for the full release. WMF previews are released roughly quarterly.

With WMF 5, you can dig into new and advanced features like Debug mode, partial configurations, and separate pull servers for different resource types.

Building an Ecosystem

No tooling is complete without a community around it and Desired State Configuration is no different.

PowerShellGet and OneGet

OneGet and PowerShellGet are coming onto the scene with WMF 5 (although after they release they should be available somewhat downlevel too). OneGet is a package manager manager and provides an abstraction layer on top of things like nuget, chocolatey, and PowerShellGet, and eventually tools like npm, RubyGems, and more. PowerShellGet provides a way to publish and consume external modules, including those that contain DSC resources.

Finding new resources becomes as easy as:

Find-Module -Includes DscResource

Third Parties


Back in July 2014, Chef made a preview of our DSC integration available (video, cookbook) and in September shipped our first production-supported integration (the dsc_script resource) and have more coming. DSC offers Chef increased coverage on the Windows platform.


The guys at ScriptRock (full disclosure - they are friends of mine) have done a pretty interesting thing by taking a configuration visualization and testing tool and offering an export of the configuration as a DSC script. Very cool.


There is a Puppet module on the Forge showing some DSC integration. I’m not too familiar with the state of that project, but it’s great to see it!


Brewmaster from Aditi is a deployment tool and can leverage DSC to get a server in shape to host a particular application, allowing you to distribute a DSC configuration with an application.


PowerShell.Org hosts a DSC Hub containing forums, blog posts, podcasts, videos and a free e-book on DSC.

So, What Are You Waiting For?

Start digging in! There’s a ton of content out there. Shout at me on Twitter (@stevenmurawski) or via my blog if you have any questions.

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